ATS - Shouts for the Piats

ATS - Shouts for the Piats

SKU : CRHATSSFP État du stock : En stock
240 min
1 - 2

A game in the ASLComp series GRAINVILLE-SUR-ODON, 27 June 1944: The Cameronians expected to find Grainville cleared by 11th Armoured Division. This expectation was confirmed by a squadron of the Fife and Forfars who believed the village was clear of infantry but warned of the possibility of enemy tanks. Fond hopes were rudely shattered at 20:00 hours, as D Company moved into the ruins, supported by two troops of 7th RTR. The place was enemy held, opposition was heavy, and three of the Churchills were quickly knocked out. All through the long summer’s evening, the battle raged to and fro over the ruins of the small town. Finally, the Cameronians and their supporting armour pulled back for the night, and shortly after so did the Germans. At midnight, the Cameronians’ M.O. and Padre ventured into the rubble to search for their wounded and found Grainville deserted. The Cameronians would be back. Raise your hand ... or optionally SHOUT to your mates for a Projecter Infantry Anti Tank (aka "PIAT) ... if you like the idea of a SIX FOOT LONG historical map with campaign game and macro scenario to play on it. Oops, that pretty much means you're shouting at the top of your lungs for a copy of ATS OMAHA or BERLIN from CH ... we just can't get past the desire to provide you the longest, largest tactical-level battlefields this side of joining a pile of geomorphs at a convention (may we suggest the new Museumfest in Michigan). If you wanted to know if the new British in Normandy releases, i.e., the new editions of the maps ... connect, the answer is "yes". If you wanted to know if these new editions, unlike their predecessors, total about 6' in length ... again, check. Affirmative. Yes. If you want to know what it feels like to collect your Panzerkampfwagen Vg platoon around a hamlet ... and stare over a klick away in game distance .... and order your cardboard Frundsbergers ... panzer marsch! You'll need to mount up and take to the turret in the form of a copy of SHOUT FOR PIATS ... and ORDERS FOR THE MAJOR.
Prix normal 96,99 $CA Prix Spécial 80,00 $CA
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Editeur Critical Hit
Auteur Ian Daglish