Founding Fathers

Founding Fathers

SKU : JOL1787 État du stock : En stock
60 min

More than 200 years ago, fifty-five men assembled in Philadelphia to ensure the blessings of liberty for themselves and for posterity. It was a goal of incredible ambition. No democracy in history had survived the failings of political reality. In fact, the men gathered in Philadelphia were brought together because their own dearly-bought freedom seemed imperiled due to fracture amongst the states. To the surprise of many, these men from all stations and all walks of life produced a unifying document that has endured. Founding Fathers is a game that invites you to bring this critical juncture in American history back to life. Using a card-driven game system, players assume the role of one of the delegates with a plan to create a new government. Your task is to exert the most influence on the outcome of the new Constitution. You must act upon the state delegations, your faction, the committee process, and the deliberations in the Assembly Room, all with the goal of creating a more perfect union between the states. Historically, James is remembered as the Father of the Constitution. Now, it’s your turn…
Prix normal 72,99 $CA Prix Spécial 50,00 $CA
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Langue (s) en
Editeur Jolly Roger
Auteur Christian Leonhard - Jason Matthews